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7 Reasons Why Your Car Stalls While Driving 

Is your vehicle stalling

Is your vehicle stalling? Here’s what you need to know

When your car unexpectedly shuts off while driving, it can be both stressful and dangerous. Imagine driving down a high-traffic highway, and suddenly, your car comes to a halt. It is a situation you never want to find yourself in. There could be various reasons that can cause a vehicle to stall while driving. Some of these reasons include:  

Running out of fuel  

The simplest reason why a vehicle stops while you are driving is that it has run out of fuel. Sometimes, drivers underestimate the fuel limit. Sometimes, a stuck fuel gauge will not give the correct indication of the fuel levels, and you may run out of fuel without knowing it. A frozen fuel line can also cause the vehicle to stall unexpectedly.  

Ignition system issues 

Your car’s ignition system ignites the air-fuel mixture in the engine’s cylinders to start the combustion process that powers the vehicle. This system consists of various components that work together, which include spark plugs, spark plug wires, and an ignition coil. In the absence of a spark plug, the vehicle won’t run. Problems with the ignition system can cause the vehicle to stall while driving. A faulty crankshaft position sensor, a malfunctioning ignition switch, and several other issues can be the culprit. 

Faulty Engine Control Unit (ECU) 

An Engine Control Unit (ECU) is an electronic control unit that ensures the optimal working of an internal combustion engine. This unit controls fuel supply and injection, ignition, fuel-to-air ratio, the timing of valve opening and closing, and idle speed. A faulty ECU can cause spark loss and a sudden drop in power and fuel efficiency, causing the vehicle to shut off suddenly and then turn back on. It can also cause the vehicle to jerk while driving, and the check engine light will turn on.  

Faulty alternator 

A vehicle’s alternator is a generator that converts mechanical energy from the engine into electrical energy to charge the battery and power the vehicle’s electrical system. If the alternator is not functioning properly, the vehicle will not receive the electrical power it needs. As long as the battery works properly, it can provide power after the alternator dies. The vehicle will run for some time without the alternator, but as soon as the battery dies, the vehicle will come to a halt.  

Electrical cable failure 

An electrical cable failure can cause the vehicle to shut off while driving. The electrical cables play an important role in generating enough power. Defective and loose cables can cause the vehicle to lose power. However, before the vehicle completely halts due to electrical cable failure, you will notice other signs, such as lack of acceleration and reduced engine performance.  

Engine failure 

The worst-case scenario is that the vehicle stalls due to an internal engine failure. When this happens, you will likely hear knocking and rattling noises before the vehicle comes to a stop.  

Faulty fuel pump 

A vehicle needs a steady fuel supply to run. If the fuel supply is affected, the vehicle will shut off. A bad fuel pump is a common cause of an engine shutoff. Another culprit could be the fuel filter.  

These are just some of the reasons that can cause the vehicle to shut off unexpectedly while driving. If your vehicle has stalled while driving, it is better not to attempt DIY troubleshooting and call a technician right away. 

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